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Thank you note...

Thank you, everyone, for all the messages of love and support last week. Particularly to all the first-time visitors to this site and all the mothers for whom Poem #11, sadly, chimed.

Really appreciated the many posts on the socials, too – they truly helped.

Not a lot of poetry got written last week, obviously, but in a happier outcome, I did manage to complete the 1st draft of a book I’ve been commissioned to co-write – misery can be a great driver.

Lots of people are heading back to full contact work tomorrow. The cell-door opens a crack and we face a new kind of ‘Life Be In It’ norm that will crowbar us off the couch and out of our trackie dacks!

Threw a fresh ode on the barbie this morning – might plate it later today – but just wanted to express my heartfelt thanks to you, friends.

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