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May 27 - Blitzkrieg

London in the blitz

we are

masked up

and gone to ground

the siren sound

of ABC updates

and we are back

to Rachel

and the cronies

lobbing blame

crying shame

demanding names

and heads on platters

still don’t get it

do you babes

what the hell’s the matter

with you

blinkered twats

blame and shame

mean nothing

in this sodding game of soldiers

against the viral blitz

beneath dark London streets

packed tight against tube walls

they couldn’t see the death planes

but they knew

it wasn’t over

even at all clear

they knew

there would be sirens

every other day

and every other week

until the enemy

was defeated

and it was safe

to walk the streets

unmasked and fearless

kissing cheeks

we are at war

get used to it

keep calm

it’s here to stay

stick out your arm

don’t panic

don’t delay

for just one little prick.

See also poems read out loud at

My book of poems, A Day At A Time In Rhyme (Littlefox Press) can be found here:

or on the SHOP page of this very website.

Last year’s collection Fewer Curs available on demand

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