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DAY 14 – Aug 16

the urge barely controllable to drive that extra k a yearning for a favourite bread a bakery 7.1 too far from me Mediterranean Wholesalers calls to me its sweet Sirena song from far off Sydney Road pasta cheeses sausages Carmelina anchovies 7.5 too far from me Marios’ a whopping 9.5 might as well be on Mars I’m clocking up hours on google maps crunching geographical miles who would see me? who would know? if they stopped me could I just go ‘shopping, officer’ get away with ‘giving care’ – to me? my rebel streak is of a sudden straining at the leash seeking loopholes ferreting foxholes escape hatches anomalies champing at the bit with ways to flout responsibility bugger the community viva herd immunity we’re not even half way through (and we know it could be longer) if I’m like this now god help me in September I’ve moved on from tears and fears to gnashing teeth to rattling the cage bloody virus! stupid conscience! petty politics! lockdown rage

See also poems read out loud at

My book of poems, A Day At A Time In Rhyme (Littlefox Press) can be found here:

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