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A Day At A Time In Rhyme In Time

April 18th

To Autumn (with apologies to Mr. Keats)

season of what's missed

and mellow lockdowns

close bosom friend

of no-one

unless you wanna

end up in gaol

where we already are

kinda sorta jug

wouldn't mind a hug

but not with a

maturing chum like you

conspiring to upload our lungs

with droplets

of a ripe old age


creeping out abroad

may find you

in the café latte queue

just take away

mind you

no time for chat

no this and that

and they may quiz

what are you doing out of doors

old woman

get home

do your chores

and do not poke your grizzled head

out of your portal

until the songs of spring

are heard

and things go back to normal

but not really

try to

wax cheery.

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