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DAY 48 – Sept 19 staring into space snail’s pace blank face and no incentive to get out of this chair go anywhere and I could sit like this for hours it seems the way I never ever could’ve done before

me I’d be up and at ‘em dashing out the door heading off toward the busy world limbs are heavy now and a drowsy numbness…. and there’s no guilt no shred of motivation I sink slowly in the bog of rank procrastination my get up and go she got up and went left my feet nailed to the floor the stillness is hypnotic addictive narcotic gentle breezes in the trees songbirds swooping in the gully no pressure haste or worry I am anchored in the rapture as the minutes tiptoe past chairbound in my study.

See also poems read out loud at

My book of poems, A Day At A Time In Rhyme (Littlefox Press) can be found here:

or on the SHOP page of this very website.

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