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July 17th


a toddler

at the head of state

our fate

subject to baby needs

seems fitting

in this world

of toddlers, twats and temper tantrums

twiddling idle thumbs

playing games

naming names

engaged in self-styled settings

expansive as their tiny minds

can download to dream

confined by what technology


they have no time

to contemplate a tree

they must upload

to make it real

the toddler

is the leader

we deserve

the selfie

we deny

the Masterchef Survivor

golden Idol

we all secretly admire

the age of thinking

good and bad

is gone

it is a ka-ka pee-pee

I want gimme-gimme

world now

where the toddler

the moron and the savage

ravage all

and straddle thrones

a simpler world


for marshmallow minds

who want their data

and they want it now, Daddy!

This poem taken from A Day At A Time In Rhyme (Littlefox Press) can be found here:

or on the SHOP page of this very website.

See also poems read out loud at

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