DAY 36 – Sept 7 dull as a doctor’s waiting room is buying a coffee today masked up and what WAS your name sorry a cloth-choked ‘Jane’ okay a cold wind blows in from the street across the fancy tiles and fittings you stand alone play with your phone and wish that you could take a seat my hipster café months ago all tables packed the place to go for local gym-fresh shiny diners designer trainers spandex leggings plates piled high with healthful meals avocado kale and greens deafening chatter knives a-clatter doof doof no-name pulsing beats wait staff busy ducking weaving orders logged in Gaggia steaming friendly bustle company is empty now and far from groovy quiet solemn grey and gloomy trade stripped back to brutal purpose supply demand all goods no service the coffee I can do without home espresso is okay there’s not a thing to like about fast cool non-human take-away.
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My book of poems, A Day At A Time In Rhyme (Littlefox Press) can be found here:
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