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DAY 3 – Aug 5

everything must be re-sized

5K radius


the distance between

me and you

in the supermarket queue

is marked out clearly

on the floor

in big round signs

you just ignore

jiggling from foot to trainer

inching closer to my elbow

fuck the law

you’ve got some urgent place to go

fuck the mask

hand sanitizer

no one tells YOU what to do

those beers won’t drink themselves

empty shelves

and not a chicken chop

in sight

5K radius

where to go

you feel a sudden need for Kew

Spotswood Springvale


a yearning for

the Melbourne Zoo

creatures banged up just like you

Kino Palais Rainbow Sun

distant pleasures

simple fun

jammed into the footy train

loud and sweary

cheek by scarf

inhaling one another’s breath

coughs and sneezes

farts and wheezes

close as lovers

near as death

you want life

all feely-touchy

in your face again.

See also poems read out loud at


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