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DAY 12 – Aug 14

sadness rolling in it can’t be helped stiff price we pay for keeping out of human reach Nina Simone wails in my head ‘have we lost the touch that means so much?’ and we tough it out we Vics on every other day we get on with it crack hardy rocking grim determination only long hard winters can inure not for nothing do we dress in black a certain lack of sunny beach that makes for searing comedy café sophistry and music, sweet music we will pay to go and hear as if our lives depended on it which they do without it and the books and art we pump out by the score we are nothing just like Winston Churchill asked (allegedly) ‘without the arts what are we fighting for?’ and it is a fight this curfew grim battle to the death an innings to the stumps so there will be sadness dark days in the dumps and many more to come I take this day and ball it up and bin it with a sigh and walk towards the gladness.

See also poems read out loud at


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