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Writer's pictureJANE CLIFTON


DAY 4 – Aug 6

hands to the lectern every day shoulders squared glasses fixed to face the fray say the words he has to say he knows will bring no joy except to those whose task it is to bay and bray and point the finger lay the blame find-fault-default-ploy like whining hounds they love the bark of their smart questions jangling the air as if they had some noble purpose other than to spray their names like bubble writing have you believe they care about what’s fair oh, yeah! gotcha! see that there that flinch that second’s hesitation I did that clever cunning me snap snap chat hands to the lectern every day begging pleading fair copping the blame for ravening Rachel it’s one big game The Block, Survivor starring her and fuck the virus COVID SHMOVID she wants his head she wants her fame and she wants it now, daddy another sigh of resignation a glint of steel determination fatigue and sorrow any more issues? same time tomorrow.

See also poems read out loud at


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